
From the Principal’s Desk

“EDUCARE”: Taking care about education. 

The growth in the use and application of Artificial intelligence in education is amazing. It sure is the need of the hour. Some articles even go to the extent of talking about replacing teachers…. 

AI is impressive, however the idea of teachers being fully replaced is utterly unrealistic according to me. I believe that the teachers have and will continue to play an important role in the education system. There are areas like communication, interpersonal relations and many more that cannot be taught with computers. Also, the reinforcement by teachers keeps a student-focused. Replacing teachers with an emotionally devoid machine, however advanced it may be, seems ruthless and scary. 

Better education system is very necessary for all to go ahead in the life and get success. School education plays a great role in everyone’s life. The whole education system has been divided into three divisions, such as Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary. 

  • Primary education prepares the base which helps throughout the life. 
  • Secondary education prepares the path for the future study. 
  • Higher Secondary education prepares the ultimate path of future and whole life. 

We at “Arya Gurukul, Ambernath” are fortunate to be able to provide every child the education right from their formative Preschool years to Higher learning. 

 Keeping in mind the future of active global citizenship, we try to provide training, leadership and team-building skills and tools for educators and students to design and implement inclusive intercultural learning for being an active global citizen. AG-AMB has worked upon a comprehensive Students Exchange programme for the future. 

Our objective is to empower and equip the educators and students towards intentional and active global citizenship, creating torchbearers of world peace, empathy and become truly an Indian by heart. Here we focus on “Sustainable Development Goals, SDG16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institution and SDG4 – Quality Education.” 

Human society is changing and evolving almost every moment. It is encountering new phases which require new knowledge and new tools and most importantly new mindset of acceptance. AG – AMB is equipped with all new tools to fulfil the needs and aspiration of new generation of mankind. 

 The only thing required as a citizen and a parent is to understand the requirement of the recent times and make acceptable changes.  We at Arya Gurukul Ambernath, welcome this whole heartedly and with an open mindset. 

Mr. Nilesh Rathor
