
Our Education Cell

Arya Gurukul is equipped with highly-qualified, trained and experienced teachers who understand that children differ in the way they learn and process information.

Continuous training and mentoring for our teachers is the key element of a happy child. Our Education cell provides professional and skill development programmes which are designed to be ongoing, relevant and collaborative.

 Teachers are kept abreast with new teaching techniques and methods. Every new method is critically analyzed by discussing its implications on children and introduced if found suitable.

The Arya Gurukul education cell has got all the facilities to overcome this lacuna with this unique 10 point program:

  • Use a team of curriculum designers who present deeply researched plans to the teachers for every chapter in each subject.
  • Custom made and continuously upgrade the curriculum to suit the requirement of Arya Gurukul students.
  • Ensure that the focus is on understanding through practical demos and real life examples, rather than on learning by rote.
  • Enrich the curriculum beyond the text and arouse the curiosity among children.
  • Ensure the plans outline the connection between the skills they learn inside school to life outside school.
  • Integrate the curriculum with music, dance, dramatics, art, craft, physical education, and field trips.
  • Ensure value-based education is imparted.
  • Create application-oriented worksheets.
  • Create a continuous evaluation system with child-friendly assessments that draw out the best from every child.
  • Conduct periodical edurichment programme for teachers in the form of seminars and workshops with hands-on teaching sessions.